the child. princess of God. gospeliter. 10111991. hmss091011. npech. B0108091011. hiclub. fencer. guides. 12c30405. 34s20607. crescent. the younger days. July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 July 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 November 2010 the peers. charmaineng henrietta samantha YOUTH. youth a big message a big mission glcc bernice chiawen daphne giolo ian jessica jiahao jonmuk kennethchai lesley lynnshan malcolm markchia melody ruth sicheng B01 [08091011]. B01 [08091011] afifah amirahlee daphne jieling kaiting latifah michelleling pengswee rongxuan tammie weiqian yvonne yiting SYFC. estherhuang marcus ruixin sheena sheryl vanessa HMS.NP. keala fencing alicia chuhui darren fiona hidayah jasmine juian kayyong madalene matthewhan romaine ronny tecky wayne CRESCENT. guides eileen
the interactions. the thanks. Base code:OHsaygoodbye Image: |
28 December 2008 ! at 8:38 AM ! It has been a month since I last posted something :// Haha. Since school reopened, I've been struggling to find time to update my blog... Obviously it has been an unsuccessful struggle... At least till now. Haha. Anyway, loads to update since my birthday. Well, let's start from the most recent events. Back from fencing training camp. It was fun :D Haha although it was supposed to be intensive. I thought we'll be like, training in the morning and evenings or something. I was expecting more training sessions but ah, nope. Trainings were mainly in the evening. Well, on Monday morning I was packing my bag and rushing like mad. Especially when I couldn't find my socks! I ended up packing 4 different coloured socks for camp since all I could find was 4 different coloured socks. How smart. Haha. Reached school in time (I love living 20 mins away from NP!) and I sat around waiting for the rest of the fencers to arrive. Sabre girls hadn't come yet so the guys started talking about soccer and games like DOTA and I don't know what else but, I was too lazy to make sense of their conversation early in the morning. So I sat alone on the bench reading Damaged, the book Sam lent me. IT'S GOOD. Okay, not good in a good way, but it made me tear. It's a real sad book and I felt sadder knowing it was a true story. I read it despite knowing how it'll make me cringe at the sad story of the little girl. Okay, anyway, one hour later, we finally had our super short briefing and then we split up for games and training. Epee's coach was here so Epee had their training while Sabre and Foil had breakfast first then games together. We had breakfast separately though both weapon groups headed towards kap macs. The games were relatively fun, though it wasn't as dirty nor as fun as youth camp's (more about that later). We had the two people bite apples on a string game, the apple kept rolling off my face! Alyssa and I split the apple into half (how we did that is anyone's guess). Haha then we had some water bomb game. Initially we were supposed to aim for the opposing group's king but when both kings died and there were tons of water bombs left, we started aiming each other. I was relatively dry, since I was no one's target. Or so I thought. Well, the number of water bombs declined real fast and then, someone had to spot the then-dry me. And to think I was gloating for a while about being the driest. Well, in a split second, everyone headed towards me, armed with water bombs, ready to drench me. And yes, I got wet eventually after all the futile evading. Haha. After that, we kinda dried in the sun, and we played some mat flipping while everyone stands on it game. It was smelly! I mean, almost 10 wet people squished together with the majority being guys... It could almost kill. Well, after a whole load of cheating and all, we finally ended the games and went for lunch. The food was pretty good :D Haha, after lunch, we went to our respective dorms at the loft (I love the loft! IT'S EXTREMELY COMFY) for rest. Well, the sabre girls headed over to the sabre guys dorm and we played over there. I mainly played cards, dai di and bridge :D OKAY. I TYPED THE ENTIRE ABOVE PARAGRAPH/ESSAY ON 18 DEC. Too lazy to blog about it all over again. Main thing, I left fencing training camp knowing that I hate raspberry vodka mixed with coke (it tastes like medicine - bleah). Pure's not bad, just that I'm not used to it yet. Well, and I really respect Immanuel for rejecting the offers of the seniors and friends for the drinks. I was totally, woah... That's one really cool christian guy :D Well, went swimming at charmaine's house today. Postponed the tuition to tomorrow night. It was pretty fun, chatting and swimming (okay lah, playing water) :D GAH. I STILL HAVE A GAZILLION TRILLION MILLION CHRISTMAS CARDS TO WRITE. A BIT SIANZXZX ALREADY AH. <3, CASS. |